Saturday, February 23, 2019

Voyeur Writing

"Ulch," the teenager with long brown hair groaned. She threw her head back and rolled her eyes at the four people in between her and the cash register. Her mother fumbled around the various products in the red plastic basket she clasped in her right hand. She pushed back the sunglasses that started to fall down to her forehead and turned to her daughter.
"Honey, could you grab some triple A batteries, they should be around the corner."
"Fine," the teenage girl stomped around the corner and searched the wall of orange and black batteries. Her mom had dragged her to Target, claiming it would be a quick trip, forcing her to trade her sweatpants for ripped jeans and yanking her away from Netflix and the most intense moments of You. It was her toothpaste and feminine products that needed purchasing that justified accompanying her mother.
She grabbed the correct batteries and walked back to her mom who promptly put it in the basket. Her mom glanced down and laughed.
"I think this is the same flavor of toothpaste that Brandon ate when he was little. Remember that time he ate the whole tube! Spearmint, right?"
At this, the frown on the girl's face disappeared and she laughed and looked at her mom lovingly. They started setting the various toiletries behind the orange plastic bar on the conveyer belt.
"That is not even the weirdest thing that he's eaten," she loved it when she could joke about her brother.
A baby started crying just feet behind them and they both turned to look. Her mom got out her credit card and as soon as the transaction went through, quickly grabbed their bags and walked briskly to the automatic doors to escape the piercing screams.
"See that wasn't too long. Now you can go back to watching 'Me'" the woman said as she tried to zip up her long white jacket while struggling with the plastic bags.
The girl laughed again at her mom's mistake and grabbed the two bags from her mom to lighten her load.

(Target check-out line, 2/23)

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