Monday, June 3, 2019

Voyeur: Piazza Cavour

Mommy had told Alice that it was Republic day. She didn’t know what that meant besides it had something to do with the planes that flew across the sky this morning with red, white, and green streaming behind them. Alice also knew that today was warm and sunny and she, her sister Giulia, and her best friend Silvia were going to the park with the big palace a couple blocks from their apartment to play.
At the park, Giulia would not let Alice get even close to the purple scooter that they were supposed to share. With her sunglasses on, Giulia was determined to prove that she was the fastest of all of the other kids. She quickly passed by smaller boys and sped around the park. Alice didn’t mind too much. Silvia had her own scooter and they took turns on it.
“Catch me if you can!” screamed Silvia, riding her pink scooter. Alice chased her on foot, laughing as she tried to cling to Silvia’s white shirt.
“Got you!” Silvia promptly got off of her scooter and started chasing Alice back on foot. Both of them had to keep pulling their curly brown hair away from their eyes. Their headbands with bows on them were more a decorative accessory chosen by their stylish mothers rather than for practical purposes.
Giulia, seeing the abandoned scooter and bored by the fact that none of her friends were there, decided to try something new. With her right foot still on her purple scooter, she put her left foot on the pink one. She had seen the cool teenagers roller skating around this park and thought that this mode of transportation would be similar. Disappointed that she could not go as fast with two scooters, she abandoned the pink one and sped off again.
Alice and Silvia sat on the curb next to their parents who were chatting. The two girls sat in the shade very close to each other. With their heads together, they shared secrets and continued forming a very young, but very deep friendship.

(Piazza Cavour, 6/2/19)

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